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OpenAI trains a new AI
Published in News

Successor to GPT-4

OpenAI has announced that it has started training a new flagship artificial intelligence model that would succeed its GPT-4 technology.

Canonical releases Ubuntu 24.04 image for Milk-V Mars
Published in PC Hardware

RISC-V business

Canonical has officially released the optimised Ubuntu 24.04 image for the Milk-V Mars, a credit-card-sized RISC-V single-board computer (SBC) developed by Shenzhen MilkV Technology.

Nvidia rushes to defend book pirates
Published in News

Realises it might be doing the same thing

Nvidia has become involved in a book pirating case rushing to the aid of shadow libraries, presumably because it is also in the dock alongside them for the same reasons.

ZOTAC to jump on gaming handheld console train at Computex
Published in Gaming

Computex 2024: New mini PCs and graphics cards as well

ZOTAC has teased its upcoming products for the Computex 2024 show which officially kicks off on June 4th, including a gaming handheld, new mini PCs, and graphics cards.

ASUS announces launches NUC 14 Performance with Core Ultra 9 185H and RTX 4070
Published in PC Hardware

A business-oriented twin of ROG NUC

ASUS has introduced its newest NUC 14 Performance, a small powerhouse equipped with up to Intel Core Ultra 9 185H CPU and Nvidia Geforce RTX 4070 GPU. This puts it in line with ASUS' previously launched ROG NUC.