Windows 10 runs on a Raspberry Pi
Published in PC Hardware

Licenced to bear Arms

It looks like you can now finally install a full version of Windows 10 intended for ARM devices on Raspberry Pi 3.

Microsoft suggests Windows 10 mobile users switch to Android
Published in Mobiles

Or you could be silly and waste your money on an iPhone, we don't really care

Software king of the world Microsoft has told those still using Windows 10 mobile that they will have to buy something different.

Windows 10 finally beats Windows 7
Published in News

Took three years

More than three years after its release, Windows 10 has passed Windows 7 in market share.

Windows 10 update machines is churning out more bugs
Published in News

QA they have heard of it

Software king of the world Microsoft seems unable to get its Windows 10 operating system updates to work.

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Permanent Authorized Key Super Deals
Published in News

Only For $12.60

Windows licenses are usually expensive. for example, for an original license from Microsoft windows 10 PRO "in the official Microsoft store 259 euros.

Windows 10 update has another over writing bug
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Another dark and stormy night for Vole's QA

Microsoft has recovered from an earlier crisis that its 1809 build of Windows 10 was deleting user files but it did not seem to use the opportunity to fix another file overwriting bug which has surfaced.

Windows 10 exorcises Spectre
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Uses Google's Retpoline Patch

Software king of the world Microsoft is including Google's mitigation for the Spectre Variant 2 speculative execution side-channel attack in the next release of Windows 10.

Microsoft re-releases October Windows 10 update
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Promises it will not eat your personal files

Microsoft is re-releasing its Windows 10 October 2018 Update today, following the company pulling it offline due to the fact it was eating users' personal files.

Microsoft pulls October 10 update
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Bugs ate user files

Software King of the world Microsoft has had to pull and pause its October 10 release of Windows 10 after bugs within the software started munching users' files. 

Windows 10 installed on over 700 million active devices
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Does not say how many are now inactive as a result

Software King of the World Microsoft has told the assorted throngs at at its Ignite 2018 conference, that Windows 10 has been installed on over 700 million active devices.