Tesla burns
While Musk courts the Far Right
It appears that Elon [Roman salute] Musk’s flirtation with the Far Right his hurting his bread-and-butter business, whose customers are generally liberals who like to knit their own yoghurt.

Musk admits Tesla must replace HW3 self-driving computers
Not sure when or how
Swasticar maker CEO Elon [Roman Salute] Musk has finally conceded that the company must replace its HW3 self-driving computers in some of its cars, raising further questions about the company’s long-standing claims regarding its vehicles’ autonomy potential.

Musk in a bind over Tesla’s clean energy products
Making a killing in an area which is unpopular with the White House
Swasticar maker Elon [look at me] Musk is in a bit of a bind as new numbers show that his firms are making a fortune out of clean energy and now can store it.

Apple admits its CarPlay 2 is “late”
Has deleted release dates from the CarPlay page
Fruity cargo cult Apple is having trouble getting products out of its flying saucer—this time, its CarPlay "product has been placed on the never-never list.

Probe into dodgy Tesla code started
Expect this to be abandoned when Trump takes over
The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has launched a probe into Tesla's software that allows cars to operate autonomously over short distances, after reports of the code crashing.