Government departments cannot buy Chinese cameras
Published in News

UK fears more footage of snogging Tory ministers being leaked

UK government has ordered its departments to stop installing surveillance cameras made by Chinese companies due to concerns over security, data theft and pictures of Tory ministers snogging their aides.

British spooks scan every Internet connected device
Published in News

You can't be trusted to do it yourself 

UK spooks at the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) are scanning all Internet-exposed devices hosted in the UK for vulnerabilities.

UK companies using "emotional analysis" tech face fines
Published in News

Information commissioner warns that it is pseudoscientific

The UK information commissioner has warned companies to steer clear of “emotional analysis” technologies or face fines, ranking it with phrenology and leech therapy. 

UK government watchdog asks public what it thinks of Activision Blizzard deal
Published in News

Because asking the British public works so well

The UK government is asking the public's opinion on Xbox's acquisition of Activision Blizzard despite its recent poor track record on making the right choice.

US and UK enact data agreement
Published in Cloud

All your data can be fondled by cops on both sides of the big water

The Data Access Agreement (DAA), by which the US and UK have agreed how one country can respond to lawful data demands from police and investigators in the other is now up and running.

UK robotic expert says AI is our friend
Published in AI

You just need to know it better

The head of the UK's largest and most advanced robotics centre has said that society needs to prepare for the increased integration of robots but shouldn't fear the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

Teen arrested for GTA 6 leaks
Published in AI

Likely to be connected to Rockstar's security breach

Inspector Knacker of the Yard has fingered the collar of a teen who is suspected of hacking Rock Star and leaking shedloads of videos and screen shots from the forthcoming GTA 6 game.

UK watchdog worried about Volish Activision-Blizzard take over
Published in Gaming

Wants an "in-depth investigation"

UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has recommended an "in-depth investigation" into Microsoft's acquisition of Activsion-Blizzard. 

Tory minister's broadband shows him up
Published in Network

It just had enough 

A UK Tory minister's broadband appeared to have had enough of him telling the world how superior British broadband was and showed the world how pants it really was -- live.

UK government can push alerts to mobile phones
Published in News

Will notify you about the four horses of the apocolypse 

The UK’s national emergency alert system will go live in October, and will give the government the ability to send a text message to any mobile phone in area.